happy new year guys
credit to flipline studios for the photo
happy new year guys
credit to flipline studios for the photo
Uh so yeah. I pretty much just installed Geckium on my laptop, watched some MichealMJD, played a lot of Roblox and watched videos of eating because the only food my house has is food that takes hours to be prepared. All I had today was yogurt, a hot dog, and noodles. Uuughgghggg.
In classic Aussie fashion my family is planning to go to the Firework show. I'm planning to watch the 9pm one. Get extra fireworks!
Deja vu of being at the hotel haha.
Today was kinda boring. All i did was play roblox and work on my new channel. could've been a better day ngl. I made a thing on me summer bucket list to take walks every mondays and fridays. ill do that starting from january.
Man yesterday was a unique day. The vacation ended on that day. We woke up at 9am and we had to be outta the hotel by 11:30. We got in swimming for fourty-five minutes, then we went back up, ate, and then left. When i woke up I decided to do what I wnated to do - take a photo of the beach view. But I lost that photo, so I took one again when we were about to leave.
On the way home we of course took a de-tour, we had a long walk. First we walked to this cool place and the sidewalk had a bunch of rocks near it and people painted stuff on it. From tributes to dead siblings, names of their best friends, actually cool pieces of arts.. to among us fanart. What is my life.
Then we saw this playground which had a zipline, one of those HUGE swings, one of the roly poly things you go in and spin around, slides, etc. But no monkey bars.??? So yeah we played for 5 minutes then want back to the car. Obiously not. We picked from either fish and chips or pancake palace. We picked the pancake palace obviously (my brother wanted fish and chips). Everyone got lunch but I got white chocolate raspberry with ice-cream pancakes. It was delish. But everyone kept on taking little bits from my food! So i took a lot of mom's fruits and pretzels. It was yummy and worth it.
It was an agonizing ride. I read 'Have yourself a mouldy minecraft Christmas' & 'The Treehouse Joke Book' on the way, as well as watching Samo Hung's 'My Lucky Stars'. It was boring. But also fun thanks to the fam. But it was a looooonggg rriiidee. But we got home safe. Sound. Hungry-thirsty. And burning eyebrows from the water chemicals. But anyways, when I got home I started working on my new channel 'Kung Fu Fanatic'. And the rest is history.
It's Jesus Christ's birthday, guys. I was so excited I woke up at 6 am! It's 12 am now, but today has been one of the best Christmas ever! I got a FujiFilm camera, and we're going to the beach and we have super giant water blasters. I'm pumped! Tomorrow my family is going on a super swaggers poggers vacation for a few days at Port Macquarie. It's gonna be epic. While i'm waiting for us to leave, i'm writing this and playing Roblox and some Hot Doggeria to Go
I finally reached rank 67 and unlocked Papa Louie on Papa's Freezeria to Go! It's Christmas eve, so I'm gonna be binging a lot of Christmas movies, probably. Not with my brother, not after he pretty much annoyed me to death this morning. But, hey, Christmas spirit, right..?
Right now it's 4:30 pm, and I'm actually deciding to get off my computer early, after I finish editing a video. My mother says only five hours on the devices in school holidays, which I am fine with, mainly because I never actually follow that rule. But I decided today that after I finish editing that video I'll get off. I read Big Nate Makes a Splash which was a really short Big Nate compilation but still really funny. I'm planning to read the books I got after winning a Tristan Bancks competition, or maybe the books I got from the library, or the Big Book of Little Lunch. Maybe all of them in the span of 7 hours. Who knows? I reserved a few Middle School & Morris Gleitzman books from the library. I also reserved some Loud House comic! Who knew there were LOUD HOUSE COMICS? Well, I found out last week but skimmed on checking if my local library had them because I thought they didn't, but they did. Yippeeeee....\
Oh, yeah, I'm entering my local library's thing where you have to read twenty books during the summer holiday, and in the span of 3 days I've read seven books. I'm him.
As for today, I went to the barber shop and to the store to get a few books and some snacks. My parents have pretty much accepted all my Christmas gifts are gonna come LONG after Christmas, so to compensate for it, they got me 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hot Mess' which is pretty decent so far, and in classic Australian sixth grader fashion, I got 'The Big Book of Little Lunch' which I am really really really really pumped up to read. I am also excited to go to the shops tommorrow. I've saved up fourty dollars and I'm gonna make a Strawberry Brownie special from Papa's Freezeria Deluxe. Well, toodles!